= unison (bi-directional synchronization)
$ unison -sshargs -axC teal ssh://joulee.dyndns.org/proj/teal
= rsync (uni-directional synchronization)
rsync -e 'ssh -ax' -avz ./teal joulee.dyndns.org:proj/teal
= LVM:
- pvdisplay - display attributes of a physical volume
- lvdisplay - display attributes of a logical volume
- pvscan
- vgexport vg_backup
- vgimport vg_backup
- vgchange -ay vg_backup
- mount /dev/vg_backup/LogVol00 /mnt/backup
- initializing disk partition
$ pvcreate /dev/sda2 - adding physical volume to an existing
volume group
$ lvdisplay
$ lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_system/eda_tools
$ umount /dev/vg_system/eda_tools
$ e2fsck -f /dev/vg_system/eda_tools
$ resize2fs /dev/vg_system/eda_tools
$ mount /tools
= octave, rlab: replacement of matlab
= gnuplot
* gnuplot -persist <script>: keep x11 window after exec <script>
* x11 plot window
- help: move to x11 plot window; press 'h'
- u: unzoom
- p: previous zoom region
- right-mouse-button: select zoom region
- e:
= ssh: Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding
details are here ; to fix this problem, run the following command on the local host:
$ xauth add `echo "${DISPLAY}" | sed 's/.*\(:.*\)/\1/'` . `mcookie`
= Cygwin/X and ssh ForwardX11
- copy ssh_config to ~/.ssh/config; and set ForwardX11 as yes
- Or, ssh -Y <remote_host>
= Cygwin/X: Clean way to auto-read ~/.Xresources
add the following to startxwin.bat:
%RUN% xrdb -wait -merge ~/.Xresources
=Ten Steps To Higher Cygwin Productivity
$ updatedb --localpaths='c:/ d:/'
$ crontab ...
$ ssh daemon ...
= ssh per-host configuration: specify to login as "ethan" for Host "pc*"
- ~/.ssh/config:
Host pc*
User ethan
= keychain
IBM article OpenSSH key management, Part 1
- generate ssh key pairs (id_dsa)
$ ssh-keygen.exe -t dsa
- copy public DSA key to remote host
$ scp .ssh/id_dsa.pub ethan@pc2005:
- login to remote host and concatenate id_dsa.pub to .ssh/authorized_keys
$ cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
- edit .bash_profile; add the following to it
keychain ~/.ssh/id_dsa
source ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh
= emacs
- indent region: C-M-\
- mark region: M-< C-SPC M-> C-M-\
= vim
- include-search / definition-search [I, ]I, [i, ]i
:set path+=../inc
:set path+=/usr/include/*
- TODO: apply auto command for "set path"
= cscope
- cscope -Rb
- vim: ctrl \ s
= C: Bit Operators (Programming in C: A Tutorial)
C has several operators for logical bit-operations.
For example,
For example,
x = x & 0177;
forms the bit-wise AND of x and 0177, effectively
retaining only the
last seven bits of x. Other operators are
retaining only the
last seven bits of x. Other operators are
| inclusive OR
^ (circumflex) exclusive OR
~ (tilde) 1's complement
! logical NOT
<< left shift (as in x<<2)
>> right shift
^ (circumflex) exclusive OR
~ (tilde) 1's complement
! logical NOT
<< left shift (as in x<<2)
>> right shift
= bzr
Bazaar for CVS Users
- bzr pull
- bzr revert
- bzr update
- bzr missing
Using Launchpad and Bazaar
bzr init-repo libmodbus
cd libmodbus
bzr branch lp:libmodbus/trunk
bzr branch trunk mou
cd mou
(hack, hack, hack)
bzr commit -m "..."
cd ../trunk
bzr pull
cd ../mou
bzr status
bzr info
bzr merge
(resolve any conflicts)
bzr commit -m "initial modbus_over_usb"
bzr push lp:~yishin-li/libmodbus/mou
cd libmodbus
bzr branch lp:libmodbus/trunk
bzr branch trunk mou
cd mou
(hack, hack, hack)
bzr commit -m "..."
cd ../trunk
bzr pull
cd ../mou
bzr status
bzr info
bzr merge
(resolve any conflicts)
bzr commit -m "initial modbus_over_usb"
bzr push lp:~yishin-li/libmodbus/mou
= svn
- setup subversion on CentOS
- Note for SELinux / Fedora Core 3+ / Red Hat Enterprise users:
$ chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t PATH_TO_REPOSITORY
- consult docs and faqs from svn site
- CVS to SVN Crossover Guide
- Choosing a Repository Layout . repo/
projB/ branches/
$ create Repository Layout;
$ cd repo; svn import . file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos (import empty layout dirs only) $ svn import teal/ file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/teal/trunk --message "initial teal import"
$ svn import csim/ file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/csim/trunk --message "initial csim import"
$ svn co file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/teal/trunk teal
$ svn co file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/csim/trunk csim
- how to patch [1 ] [2]
$ sudo svn import proto/ file:///home/svn/repos/proto/trunk --message "initial proto import"
$ svn co http://taipei/repos/proto/trunk proto
= x264 related (TODO)
x264.exe -b 1 --qp 10 -B 1000 -o output.h264 foreman_part_qcif.yuv 176x144
mplayer.exe -vo yuv4mpeg -vf dect -nosound dolby-city.vob
x264 -o output.h264 stream.y4m --frames 200 --crf 24 -b3 -m9 -r3 --me tesa -8 -t1 --mixed-refs --progress
gprof path-to-x264.exe gmon.out > x264.profile
the most critical part is Motion Estimation (~50%)
what are you trying to do ? output a raw video file ?
ffmpeg -i input -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo output
or -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo (or -f rawvideo -vcodec yuv4mpegpipe ?)
= change login shell: ypchsh
3 cp ~ethan/.bash_profile .
4 cp ~ethan/.bashrc .
5 cp ~ethan/.sh_alias .
6 cp ~ethan/.profile .
15 cp ~ethan/bin/* .
23 cp ~ethan/.eda_tools .
77 cp -a ~ethan/.vim .
78 cp -a ~ethan/.vimrc .
79 cp -a ~ethan/.gvimrc .
= dnsmasq: a light weight tool for DHCP and DNS
= gdbtui
+ CTRL-L to refresh/redraw the screen
= hime (中文輸入法), ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-get install hime
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo cp noseeing.gtab /usr/share/hime/table/
= gcin, ubuntu 10.04
+ im-switch -s gcin
+ noseeing: /usr/share/gcin/script/noseeing-inst (install boshimi)
+ 系統->偏好設定->gcin 輸入法設定->Default input method and toggle key->勾選 Remote client support (port 9999-) (解決 gcin 被 GDM 預先啟動的問題)
= wagig, ubuntu
sudo apt-get install wajig
installr Install package and associated recommended packages
installrs Install package and recommended and suggested packages
installs Install package and associated suggested packages
sudo wajig installrs mozilla-thunderbird
(replace wajig with apt-get)
= update-rc.d, ubuntu
- update-rc.d cadence defaults 99
- How-To: Managing services with update-rc.d
= how to create torrent file
- maketorrent: http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/#maketorrent
- tracker list: http://torrentfreak.com/how-to-create-a-torrent/
- example:
maketorrent-console http://open.tracker.thepiratebay.org/announce <file/dir>
= dpkg-query -S (Find the package a file is from)
= Setting up VMWare shared folders on Ubuntu guest (for both 12.04 and 10.04)
- setup subversion on CentOS
- Note for SELinux / Fedora Core 3+ / Red Hat Enterprise users:
$ chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t PATH_TO_REPOSITORY
- consult docs and faqs from svn site
- CVS to SVN Crossover Guide
- Choosing a Repository Layout . repo/
projB/ branches/
$ create Repository Layout;
$ cd repo; svn import . file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos (import empty layout dirs only) $ svn import teal/ file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/teal/trunk --message "initial teal import"
$ svn import csim/ file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/csim/trunk --message "initial csim import"
$ svn co file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/teal/trunk teal
$ svn co file:///wrk/svn/ssd/repos/csim/trunk csim
- how to patch [1 ] [2]
$ sudo svn import proto/ file:///home/svn/repos/proto/trunk --message "initial proto import"
$ svn co http://taipei/repos/proto/trunk proto
= x264 related (TODO)
x264.exe -b 1 --qp 10 -B 1000 -o output.h264 foreman_part_qcif.yuv 176x144
mplayer.exe -vo yuv4mpeg -vf dect -nosound dolby-city.vob
x264 -o output.h264 stream.y4m --frames 200 --crf 24 -b3 -m9 -r3 --me tesa -8 -t1 --mixed-refs --progress
gprof path-to-x264.exe gmon.out > x264.profile
the most critical part is Motion Estimation (~50%)
what are you trying to do ? output a raw video file ?
ffmpeg -i input -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo output
or -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo (or -f rawvideo -vcodec yuv4mpegpipe ?)
= change login shell: ypchsh
3 cp ~ethan/.bash_profile .
4 cp ~ethan/.bashrc .
5 cp ~ethan/.sh_alias .
6 cp ~ethan/.profile .
15 cp ~ethan/bin/* .
23 cp ~ethan/.eda_tools .
77 cp -a ~ethan/.vim .
78 cp -a ~ethan/.vimrc .
79 cp -a ~ethan/.gvimrc .
= dnsmasq: a light weight tool for DHCP and DNS
= gdbtui
+ CTRL-L to refresh/redraw the screen
= hime (中文輸入法), ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-get install hime
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo cp noseeing.gtab /usr/share/hime/table/
= gcin, ubuntu 10.04
+ im-switch -s gcin
+ noseeing: /usr/share/gcin/script/noseeing-inst (install boshimi)
+ 系統->偏好設定->gcin 輸入法設定->Default input method and toggle key->勾選 Remote client support (port 9999-) (解決 gcin 被 GDM 預先啟動的問題)
= wagig, ubuntu
sudo apt-get install wajig
installr Install package and associated recommended packages
installrs Install package and recommended and suggested packages
installs Install package and associated suggested packages
sudo wajig installrs mozilla-thunderbird
(replace wajig with apt-get)
= update-rc.d, ubuntu
- update-rc.d cadence defaults 99
- How-To: Managing services with update-rc.d
= how to create torrent file
- maketorrent: http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/#maketorrent
- tracker list: http://torrentfreak.com/how-to-create-a-torrent/
- example:
maketorrent-console http://open.tracker.thepiratebay.org/announce <file/dir>
= dpkg-query -S (Find the package a file is from)
= Setting up VMWare shared folders on Ubuntu guest (for both 12.04 and 10.04)